Friday, 11 May 2012

Impulsive or methodical

    Last night, I was climbing into my pyjamas when it hit me.  'Oh, it's Thursday and I haven't done my blog! What about all my adoring public who are waiting with bated breath to see what Jo has to say today!'
   The problem is my forgettery, or maybe my total lack of routine. 
    I have noticed in life that some people are organised, calm and plan ahead. I have tried to be that person. It doesn't work. If I could remember my decision to be systematic, it might happen. But something more interesting always comes along. The phone rings, or I notice the pattern of the spiders web in the garden, or I start reading blogs and, without meaning to, I'm out of routine.
    Recently I started taking medication. Three tablets every night. Easy? I'll manage to remember for about a week. Then one day I'll get up and whilst moving them from the middle of my kitchen bench, (where they live to help me remember!) I realise I've forgotten them again. So now I have an alarm set every night at 9.30 to remind me. Some nights I climb out of bed to swallow them!
     Why is such a little thing so difficult for me?
    Steve on the other hand is a person of routine - slow steady and methodical. He never forgets tablets, or realises that he hasn't had breakfast after he's left home. Everything is done in the same order so there's no chance he'll forget the deodorant! For forty years he's closed doors after me, reminded me to turn off the iron, got me out of bed to clean my teeth...and run me late! For him, it is more important to finish everything than get there on time! I'm happy to leave the dishes in the sink to get out the door.  I want to have enough time to enjoy good conversation before any event starts.
    I've decided I am who I am. But I also understand I need those methodical people around me. I, in a moment of inspiration, changed my whole life style and wrote a book. Why? Just because! However the book would never have been published if it wasn't for the detail people that surround me. My friend, Sue, spent hours making corrections for me. She fixed spelling, adjusted punctuation, highlighted anything I'd repeated, and complained when the word I'd chosen was out of context. So many others also helped to produce a book of excellent quality. I wanted excellent quality, but, when I checked it, I didn't see errors. I just read what I knew is supposed to be there!
    What about you? Are you a steady, methodical person or impulsive and scattered like me. The world needs us all! And we need to honour the gifts and characteristics in others, even if we don't understand them!


  1. Jo, I think I'm a scattered person. If I were to liken myself to one food dish, I believe I would say I'm scrambled eggs! :) And you're right ~ the world needs us all. Because God doesn't make mistakes, I'll just thank Him for making me...well, me! Good post!

    1. Scrambled eggs. Must be good because they are so yummy! And you can make scrambled eggs so interesting. great to meet you. Thanks for dropping by. :0)

  2. I'm usually the more organised side, but this month I'm chilling more and not worrying about getting everything done. However, I still need other people to look over my work, I never notice my own mistakes :)

    1. Its good to chill now and then! Enjoy. This month I'm flat out and still not getting everything done!Thanks for saying hello!

  3. Lol! I can so relate to this, especially the bit about medication. I'm in the same boat - also started out as 3 tablets but mercifully for all concerned I'm now down to 1.5! You might enjoy something that happened to me a few weeks back as a result of setting my cellphone as a reminder

    1. That is sooo funny. I read that article. it made my night. Right now my phone is peeping in my bedroom - yes I must go and take those pesky tablets. Great to share with you Shirley.
