Thursday 12 April 2012

Whose favourite kid are you?

'Ma, are you okay in there?'
Miss Four's little voice wafted through the cubicle door. Witt the help of her big sister, she was ready to go swimming and was getting a little impatient.
'Thanks, Darling. Ma's okay.'
As I opened the door, she was propped in front of me, arms wide, bottom out, head back. She wore her brand new pink and white bathers. She spun and twirled for me, knowing that I would confirm her stunning beauty. We left the changing rooms heading toward the surf. Miss Four walked the sand catwalk to the beach, sure the whole world was watching her entrance.
She loves the surf. Her eyes sparkle as the wall of water overshadows her. She screams and grabs my hand, expecting me to swing her out of the water. Her sister encourages her to hide behind me. Soon she discovers she can duck behind my expansive behind and be protected until the white water passes!
It's no wonder Jesus loved the little children. I'm sure they accepted his love and returned it triple fold. They never question His love for them, his motives or his genuineness.
 I'm trying to become more childlike in His presence, because that is the gate into the Kingdom of heaven.
Many adults think I'm a little crazy when I pick up a special rock on the beach and claim God put it there for me, or when I exult over the extravagant sunrise God colours for me. Or when I stoop to examine the tiny flower that blooms so confidently beside the path, somehow avoiding the boots of thoughtless, hurrying humans.

Yet this craziness opens the door of heaven. An extravagant creator loves to have his handiwork noticed, photographed, exclaimed over. In my little corner of Australia, I often see koalas, many beautiful birds, water fowl and an occasional wallaby. All this on my morning walk. So I claim I'm God's favourite - and so I am!
However God is always seeking more favourites. Applications are open. But you must have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to fall in love with Him. But guess what? He's as keen to have your love and admiration, as Miss Four was for my admiration, love and protection . So keen that if you ask, he will open your eyes, ears and heart. Try it! You'll be amazed at what you see.