Thursday 8 December 2011

The Miracle of Christmas

Creator of the world,
           Lord of Lords,
           Almighty God
Contracted to a span
Somehow compacted into a man

This tiny babe
Born in poverty
Died in controversy
Rescued the world
Somehow set me free to be 'me'!

 Jesus… This surpassing treasure
   This Great mystery
   Contained in clay pots
    Living by His Spirit
   Dwelling in the hearts of men!

 Can you grasp it? Can you believe it?
 The Almighty God…
Not out there But in here!
 All knowing, all seeing, all wisdom,
Light of the World
Not unattainable but within

All strength, all courage, all love, all truth
All this right here within me.
 And all He asks is …     I believe it!!


  1. Jo I am mesmerised by your fish. Where did you get them?
    I have a pin that I wear that says 'Wise men still seek him'.
    Asta x

  2. Hi Asta. I stumbled across this when setting up the page. It is an application under blogspot. If you click on the fish bowl you can even feed them :)
